Sometimes you just have to get out into the garage and tinker around. Other times, grab a box of junk and see what can be made of it. It all starts with an idea. Sometimes, a bad one.
"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."
We are just beginning to learn and discover what polymer clay is all about. We are looking forward to learning the techniques and experimenting with the clay with our grand-children.
Snapshot vs photography - there is a lot of discussion floating around on just what makes the difference. For some it's the cost of the equipment, for others, the it's the lack of artistic consideration.
We all take snapshots, and lots of them. There is nothing wrong with snapshots. They are usually meant to just capture the moment in a quick and easy fashion.
Photography can be accompished with the same equipment as any snapshot. Considering how even disposable cameras were much more advanced that then ealiest 20th century models, composition makes the difference.
Photography involves a much deeper understanding of the equipment, setting and environment, and putting thought and intent into the final composition.
One of David's favorite photography book series is "The Digital Photography Book" series by Scott Kelly.
David has the full set. At least 1 of these books is always included in David's travel library.
Learn more at: has been working with wood since the first time his grand-father handed him a hammer and drill. This his grand-father's guidence, he learned there is a great satisfaction of working with his hands and discovering what he could create.
David's ability to craft with wood has grown over the years. He has made cabinets, beds, chest-of-drawers, bookcases and other useful objects. He has also had his share of failures, or as Pam likes to call them, "very expensive firewood".
This is another of those places where financial restraint is required. Especiall if your wife is with you. They have some much for the wood crafter tha it is easy to loose focus.
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